A message from our president
It’s hard to believe that the year 2020 is upon us— marking the 40th anniversary year of the NBAHS. And it has indeed been a pleasure (and honor) to serve as its president for the past two years.
As this newsletter illustrates, 2019 was an extremely active and productive year for our Society. This year promises to be even more exciting with numerous activities and events on the drawing board. For example, our “Ice Castle” presentation on February 9 was a smashing success; the program chronicled the vital importance of the ice industry to New Brighton’s growth starting in the 1890s, linking it with this year’s spectacular Ice Castles attraction at Long Lake Park.
Looking ahead, we envision another event-filled spring and summer—being kicked-off by our 23rd annual Rhubarb Fest on Sunday, June 7. This occasion also marks our New Brighton History Center official opening for the summer season. We urge all residents to attend this festive event, which also serves as an important fund-raiser for the Society.
The Society is indeed blessed to have such an active and talented Board of Directors —comprised of New Brighton area residents committed to “giving back” to their community. To this end, we welcome aboard a new board member, Art Oglesby, who brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the NBAHS.
We are also very pleased to welcome back a veteran board member, Joyce Kloncz, who took an extended hiatus to care for her ailing husband, Lenny, who passed away last June. Joyce, who is now serving as our secretary, is a co-founding member of the Society, and principal curator of our very impressive New Brighton History Center. We missed Joyce during her absence, and are fortunate to have her back!
And finally, we want to remind everybody that the NBAHS relies exclusively on the financial support from our members to enable us to provide the numerous services to our community. Our annual membership fee is nominal ($10); we encourage all of you to join.
Thank you for your support, and we’ll see you at the New Brighton History Center!
Fred Behrens, President
New Brighton Area Historical Society