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A Message from Our President
After what has essentially been a year of “pause,” we are optimistically looking forward to a “back to normal” season. Even though 2020 turned out to be a “bust” with regard to our regular activities, the Board met regularly and continued to maintain the Depot museum. The downside was that the Society’s source of funding…
A message from our president
It’s hard to believe that the year 2020 is upon us— marking the 40th anniversary year of the NBAHS. And it has indeed been a pleasure (and honor) to serve as its president for the past two years. As this newsletter illustrates, 2019 was an extremely active and productive year for our Society. This year promises…
Photos archive
This aerial photo is the very first photo listed in the New Brighton Area Historical Society’s data base of 5000 photos. The original photo was donated by Jim Skiba, and numbered #01.01. A restored photo is on display in the New Brighton History Center’s freight room at Long Lake Regional Park. And it is featured…
A Tribute to Jerry Blanski
We are sorry to announce that long-time board member, Jerry Blanski, passed away December 31, 2020. Jerry joined the board of diretors in 1998 and was a strong supporter of the New Brighton Area Historical Society. You may often have seen him outside our depot museum working on various maintenance tasks, from keeping the grounds…
April 23, 2020 Annual Meeting Postponed
New Brighton Area Historical Society was intending to honor Pletschers’ Greenhouses 100th Anniversary on Thursday, April 23, at 1:00 PM at the New Brighton Community Center. However, the community center is closed through April 30. Watch this website for a new scheduled date in the summer or fall.