
A Tribute to Gene Skiba

The New Brighton Area Historical Society (NBAHS) mourns the loss of Gene Skiba on Friday, June 5, 2009. Gene Skiba was one of the founders of the NBAHS and was the Editor Emeritus of the New Brighton Bulletin. 

Gene was born in Mounds View Township August 16, 1923, and was a resident of New Brighton since 1942. Gene was considered the “conscience of New Brighton” through his weekly columns in the Bulletin called “This and Data.”

In those columns he wrote about the early history of New Brighton and many of us waited for each weekly installment. That led to Gene writing our city’s history, A Centennial History of New Brighton, which was published by the NBAHS in 1987, the City’s Centennial year.

That book was the result of extensive research over many years, through the City’s historical files, by interviewing New Brighton families, and by thoroughly studying our community.

Gene served 30 years on the NBAHS Board of Directors, as Secretary and Board Member.  He also provided research and consul for the Society’s next two books: A Pictorial History: New Brighton Area, Minnesota, From the 1880s – 1950s, and A Pictorial History: New Brighton Area, Minnesota, From the 1950s – 2000s

Many of the photos in those two books came from his personal collection or those taken by him during his many years of service at the New Brighton Bulletin.

The NBAHS thanks Gene’s family for sharing him with us during his lasting tenure on the Society’s Board of Directors.

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